Welcome to the City of Lake City, Minnesota.
We are a small city nestled on Lake Pepin, the widest part of the navigable channel of the Mississippi River. We are about an hour southeast of the Minneapolis-Saint Paul metropolitan area, and 45 minutes northeast of Rochester, Minnesota, home to the world-famous Mayo Clinic. Lake City is situated in both Goodhue and Wabasha counties. Our community is easily accessible whether you are traveling by plane, train, car, or boat. However you get here, we are excited to have you join our community!
Rail Information
Serviced By
Freight: Canadian-Pacific
Passenger: Amtrak
Lake City, MN
Red Wing, MN
Distance To
On Rail Line
17 miles
Proximity to Major Metropolitan Areas
Red Wing, MN
Rochester, MN
Winona, MN
Minneapolis, MN
La Crosse, WI
Des Moines, IA
Milwaukee, WI
Chicago, IL
Distance To
17 miles
39 miles
45 miles
71 miles
75 miles
249 miles
278 miles
350 miles
Airport Information
Airport Name
Regional: Red Wing Regional Airport
International: Minneapolis-Saint Paul International Airport
Red Wing, MN
Minneapolis, MN
Distance To
22 miles
67 miles
Highway Information
County Information
Distance To
On Highway
On Highway
57 miles
49 miles