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Rethos Downtown Assessment

Through a grant from the Southern Minnesota Initiative Foundation, the Lake City Chamber of Commerce welcomed Rethos to conduct a comprehensive assessment of Downtown Lake City in 2022. After spending multiple days in the community conducting resident interviews and holding stakeholder focus groups, as well as garnering survey responses from over 600 residents, Rethos staff analyzed the data they collected. The document resulting from this analysis, as well as the raw survey results data, are now published and available for all to view.

The Assessment document identifies Lake City’s assets and challenges and provides a roadmap to future Main Street vitality and success. The Chamber is working with community stakeholders, including the City of Lake City and Lake City Port Authority, to create an action plan to implement recommendations and maximize the opportunities for Lake City’s downtown. Follow along with all three entities as updates on their progress towards these goals are provided!

View the raw data results at the following links: